

Our Top Tips And Tricks To Successful Digital Networking

The Basics Of Digital Networking

Networking has always been an integral part of the success of any business. You will have often heard the expression ‘It’s not what you know but who you know.’ And there is a lot of truth to this phrase. In a perfect world people would be completely unbiased in all their decision making processes. But this isn’t the case. People are always going to be naturally inclined towards those they have a pre-existing relationship with.

Building a strong business network is worth it for so many reasons. For one it is one of the best ways to learn new skills relating to your chosen profession. Utilizing the wealth of experience and knowledge belonging to those you connect with to further your own goals. And it is pivotal for securing better deals, finding new clients, finding potential investors, and so much more.

The digital age has changed the networking landscape forever. We now have the ability to network with people from across the globe in an instant. This sort of access is something you should take full advantage of. So we have put together a few tips and tricks to help you improve your digital networking.

Bolster Your Social Media Presence

People are too quick to write off social media as a frivolous distraction. But social media has become an integral part of the digital networking process. People forget that sites like LinkedIn are social media platforms too. They are arguably the best way to connect with like-minded professionals.

To that end you need to ensure you are maintaining an active presence on the right social media platforms. LinkedIn is the obvious one. Instagram and Facebook are also fantastic platforms for digital networking. Facebook is great for connecting with small business owners and professionals from the older generations. Whereas Instagram is great for connecting with influencers, young entrepreneurs, and trendy digital businesses.

Networking is a two way street. You need to be able to offer as much as you plan to get from those you connect with. To that end you need to maintain an active posting schedule. And the content you post should be relevant to your chosen field, educational, or highlighting your strengths and skills. Ideally you want to be posting three times a week minimum.

It is also worth considering boosting your Instagram profile. People are far more likely to connect with people who have amassed a substantial following and view count. Keep in mind though, when buying Instagram video views or followers you want to properly vet the website you buy them from. You need a company that offers what is called ‘natural likes and followers’ as opposed to using bot accounts to generate likes for your content.

Use Clear Communication

Successful networking is all about confidence. You need to believe in yourself. Know that you have something to offer other people. You need to believe that forming a connection with you is a worthwhile endeavor. I see too many people reaching out with hesitancy. Being too polite and beating around the bush.

We aren’t saying don’t be polite. But there is a fine line between politeness and meekness. When forming business relationships you need to be polite, but direct. Don’t be afraid to dive straight in with any questions. Be blunt about your intentions. Most professionals will take it as a compliment. You’re valuing their time and their skillset enough to be honest and frank with them.

There is nothing that says you can’t become good friends with those you connect with. But, at the start, your focus should be on building business relationships. Time is money. For both parties involved. It is in everyone’s best interests to be professional and focus on what you can both bring to the table.

Research Potential Connections

This ties into the idea of clear communication. When you find someone who you want to connect with it is worth your time to do as much research about them as possible. In regards to their professional career at least. No one wants to have to cite off their achievements like they’re in a job interview. They will feel complimented that you took the time to study their skillset and achievements. And it will show them that you have put serious thought into this and truly believe that this potential business relationship is worth pursuing.

Naturally LinkedIn is the best place to get a full picture of their professional achievements. But you should also scan through their public Instagram and Facebook profiles to get an idea of the type of person they are.

To that end you also need to ensure that all of your professional achievements are up to date and present on your LinkedIn profile. You want any potential connections to be able to get a better understanding of your skillset without having to ask you. And it will also allow line-minded people to better find and connect with you.

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